Uncircumcised penises pose a much greater threat to vaginas than uncircumcised penises because the environment under the foreskin is prime real estate for bacteria and biofilms. In addition if your partner has a vagina they may want to follow up with their.
Bacterial Vaginosis In Males Is It Possible
The reason this doesnt occur is because men do not have vaginas.

Can guys get bv. This is a bacterial issue that is specifically regarding women and thats it. The cause of BV is not completely understood however it is known that women who are sexually active and have multiple partners are far more susceptible. Having a new sex partner or multiple sex partners as well as douching can upset the balance of bacteria in the vagina.
While theres no male equivalent of BV some men do acquire a male version of a yeast infection called tinea cruris or jock itch. In addition bacterial vaginosis doesnt spread like a sexually transmitted infection STI. Whether they are aware.
Men usually do not get infected with common bacterial vaginosis which is the overgrowth of bacteria normally present in vaginaBut if the vaginal infection is caused by gonorrhea or chlamydia then sexual partner can contract it. Yes men can ABSOLUTELY be carriers of Bacterial Vaginosis BV. If you are fighting BV or trying to avoid spreading BV under the foreskin is a great place to start.
Although BV can be associated with sexual activity there is no clear evidence of sexual transmissionIt is possible for sexually inactive persons to get infected with bacterial vaginosisRather BV is a disordering of the chemical and biological balance of the normal flora. BV is linked to an imbalance of good and harmful bacteria that are normally found in a womans vagina. Men cant get BV because the penis doesnt have the same delicate balance of bacteria.
This means that people carrying. This led Bradshaw to believe that there was a sexually transmitted element to BV. Men do not get bacterial vaginosis.
Douching with the use of gentle mild unscented cleansers can clean and freshen up the vagina. A Monash University trial is seeking to prove that unlike other vaginal infections bacterial vaginosis is actually a sexually-transmitted disease which can be carried by men as well as women. Though it is possible to transmit a yeast infection from a female partner to a male partner the chances are low and recent statistics show that uncomplicated cases of yeast infections are not usually acquired through sexual intercourse.
Can men get a yeast infection or BV. This places a woman at increased risk for getting BV. So although men cant get bacterial vaginosis they can play a part in causing the recurrence and obstruct your efforts to get rid of bacterial vaginosis.
Family Medicine 57 years experience Bacterial vaginosis. The bacteria can accumulate on the penis or in the urethra of males. ANSWER TO YOUR QUESTION CONCERNING BV.
Uncircumcised men and bacterial vaginosis. While there is no case that men have the infection too it pays to know how to prevent BV. Theres a number of vaginal health conditions that are very common and BV can show no symptoms at all but symptoms can include a fishy smell that often gets worse during or after sex and or a lot of discharge or very watery discharge.
Men cant get Bacterial Vaginosis as the name suggests it only affects the vagina so if you dont have a vagina then you cant have BV. BV is associated with an imbalance in vaginal bacteria when the good or healthy bacteria normally found become outnumbered by bad or harmful bacteria. If your partner tells you shes worried about either of these things it could be that she has BV.
You can pass BV to anyone with a vagina by sharing toys having vulva-to-vulva contact or finger penetration. Thrush on the other hand can affect both men and women and the symptoms are similar in both. Recent research is exploring the link between sexual partner treatment and eradication of recurrent cases of BV.
We also do not know how sex contributes to BV. BV is an infection that occurs in the vagina. Men are almost never symptomatically infected by the organisms usually responsible for BV but the skin of the penis can become contaminated with these bacteria and then they can be transmitted back to their sexual partner after she has been treated.
There is evidence from research to support the theory that BV is a sexually transmitted infection. That is why when treating this problem most physicians usually require both the woman and her sexual partner to take the medication in order to prevent recurrence. While it can raise the risk of sexually transmitted diseases it is not itself something that a man can get through intercourse or anything like that.
But males can carry the bacteria that cause BV.